Changing The Perspective; Another Way of Looking at It

We’ve just looked at an example of the audit process taken from the sweeping of the floor perspective. But let’s re-evaluate the perspective on this. Rather than follow it through from the safety end; the broom end, lets follow it through from the other end, the commitment of the Big Boss.

Each one of the auditor’s questions had to be answered with documentation showing that a system was in place to ensure that it all happened. You need to have this, safety is not an optional issue. The 21st century will force it upon you. 

But look at it this way; it’s pretty obvious that if you’ve got all of the management systems in place to satisfy the auditor that sweeping will happen; what you really have is a management process. And this management process can do more than simply assure everyone that the floor has been swept. It can also ensure all other safety issues; and in fact it can ensure all other operating issues. It can keep your job descriptions and procedures up to date so that if you lose a key employee a replacement can take over with minimal disruption. 

It can ensure that if you decide to introduce a new product line that all of the ‘i’s’ are dotted and all of the ‘t’s’ are crossed and the new product rollout can go without a hitch. The management system produces safety as a natural outcome.

That’s the system we can provide to you. You will have a management system.

And that management system will make you more efficient, with better continuity, and then safety will happen. Safety happens, it is the natural consequence of a good management system but the converse is not true; a safety program does not necessarily result in a good management program.

The 21st Perspective Program gives your company a good management system that makes safety happen; safety to your customers, safety to your customers’ customers, safety to your employees and their families and safety to your bank account.


And that is safe. –   Period.

See How We Do It